Strange Company`s Director, Hugh Hancock, died in 2018. Strange Company is no longer a registered Company. This site is part of his body of work, and as such it is hosted and maintained by a group of volunteers and as an archive of his work. A comprehensive list of the works being archived can be found here. If you have any problems with the site, please report them using this form.

Need to get in touch? Or just want to talk about Death Knight Love Story? No problem!

If you're looking for a press pack or press images, you can find a full story synopsis here, high-res images suitable for print here, and the official DKLS press release HERE. If you need anything else, please do let us know and we'll get back to you very quickly indeed!


Email's probably the best way to get in touch: mail info AT strangecompany ((dot)) org.


Hugh actively Tweets about Death Knight Love Story amongst other things at


Please do get in touch!


You can follow Hugh's filmmaking work at

The Strange Company page.

Strange Company

Want to find out what else Hugh Hancock has made?

Hugh's production company, Strange Company, has been operating for 15 years.